Self reflection is often a good thing and sometimes it's self flagellation in a costume. Nothing wrong with a desert every so often - a little extra weight, well you need something to protect you in a trip and fall. As an old friend of mine once said, "In Milwaukee we'd be super models!". Adjust your eating habits and see how it goes. If it makes you happier and you feel noticeably better it will stick and the sweets cravings will go away . Here's to a happier healthier tomorrow - shoot for 95% and keep that extra 5% for non productive joy.

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Thanks for sharing this Gil! Very inspiring and humbling. I also have been struggling with late night snacking and have had this cloud hanging over my head to want to do better with my eating habits and my fitness. I just turned 40 and have way less energy than what I used to. I will also challenge myself to get more active and cut out the late night snacks. Thanks again!

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